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Used Books Directory : Searching For 'Gifts'


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Found 4 Matches
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1. Shades of Color
Our African American products have been uplifting and inspiring with the highest quality Black calendars, stationery and gifts since 1995. Our unique Black products feature genuine African American Art from renowned Black artists such as Annie Lee, Frank Morrison, Larry Poncho Brown, Cidne Wallace, Gbaby and Kerream Jones.
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From: Calendars/Personal
Relevance: 99.99%
Rating: [0] Votes: [0] Hits: [5860] | Mar 11, 2005

Shades of Color
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2. Kalia Sky
Fashion Trendy Wholesale Jewelry, Inspirational Gifts and Swarovski Crystal Jewelry get’em her. Crystal Swarovski, one of the best Inspirational Gifts you can give yourself and your loved ones.
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From: Other Interesting Websites/Shopping/Gifts
Relevance: 99.04%
Rating: [0] Votes: [0] Hits: [624] | Oct 6, 2007

Kalia Sky
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3. Bengal Cat Advent Calendar for Cat-Lovers Enjoyment
Bengal Cat On-Line Christmas Advent Calendar from Foothill Felines Bengals.
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From: Calendars/Religious/Advent
Relevance: 48.74%
Rating: [10] Votes: [1] Hits: [1009] | Mar 11, 2005

Bengal Cat Advent Calendar for Cat-Lovers Enjoyment
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4. Gay Shopping
If you\'re looking for gay jewelry, clothing, accessories, and adult items, is your pot of gold.
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From: Other Interesting Websites/Shopping
Relevance: 47.20%
Rating: [7] Votes: [1] Hits: [761] | Mar 29, 2006

Gay Shopping


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